Making deals, kissing people, one hell of a business.
Рауль был сюрпрайз мазафака гест стар:crzfan:
ох как его встретили, как звезду всея сериала встретили

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"[Writer / executive producer Steve Lightfoot] pitched Hannibal setting up Chilton, and he’s like ‘we gotta kill Chilton,’ and I was like ‘okay, but I don’t want to kill Chilton.’ I didn’t have a problem breaking the canon of the book so much as breaking my own heart. I love the character, and I love Raul [Esparza]. [The process then] was like ‘well, he could get shot and survive,’ and then it’s like ‘okay, Chilton is going to be our Kenny. We’re going to kill him off every single season, and it’s insurmountable that he will survive, and yet he will.’
“Even in the books, it’s not clear that Chilton dies … I think that Chilton’s in it for the long haul, and I love what Anthony Heald did in the films, and I feel like Raul is bringing a different sensibility that is respecting what Anthony has done while also making the character his own in a great way. He’s too mischievous and bratty and fun. I gotta figure out how we’re going to hurt him in season 4."

Рауль: "Chilton’s like a weeble wobble. You shoot him in the face, and he just comes right back. … I told Bryan I expect him next season to have an eyepatch, a hump, and a parrot".

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и тут я подумала о том, как Зеллер пойдет просить прощения у Чилтона... и изменит Прайсу с ним о_О

@темы: видео, Ганнибал, Rrraul Esparza