Making deals, kissing people, one hell of a business.

"We’ve seen a lot of stories about the heroic guy and the heroic girl who find love at the end, but we’ve not seen many about the two oddball scientists who are forced to work together, who are complete opposites, who develop a real bond and love for one another, and I understand what they’re responding to. By the way, it informs what I do in the scenes. I think my character loves your [Burn Gorman’s] character. Although he also would never admit that… And they have sex, by the way". - Charlie Day, when asked why people ship Newt and Hermann.

“[I]f we’re so lucky to do [Pacific Rim 3], we’ve set up this great thing where you have Charlie Day with things in his head controlling him, but Gottlieb, Burn Gorman[’s character], loves him as his best friend, and will do anything to help protect him and save him.“ - Steven DeKnight



@темы: видео, pacific rim

02.04.2018 в 07:23

Après vous avoir entretenu de mes foiblesses, il est assez plaisant de vous parler de Littérature (с)
Вторую часть PR не смотрела, но уже одобряю :gigi:
Обожаю Гормана :cheek:

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