Making deals, kissing people, one hell of a business.
этот пейринг говорит НЕТ боли, тлену и смерти
"So i was thinking," Newt eventually says, "I was thinking, we should write a book. "Awesome monsters and boring numbers", by Geiszler and Gottlieb. We could become like the set text"
"Gottlieb and Geiszler."
"Whatever, dude. You can do the writing and I'll do the book tour, cause, you know, you have like no personality. No offense. And it would give us the perfect excuse."
"Excuse for what?" He's going to make Newton say it.
"Excuse to... oh for God's sake, excuse to stay around each other. I know you want it too, I've been inside that damn ridiculous-shaped head of yours, why do you do this to me?"
A pulse of actual genuine distress hits him though the ghost drift, and Hermann knows he has to say something to make it right.
"Doktor Geiszler, the only thing more unbearable than being with you, is not being with you."
Newton rushes across the room and grabs him into an embrace.
"So i was thinking," Newt eventually says, "I was thinking, we should write a book. "Awesome monsters and boring numbers", by Geiszler and Gottlieb. We could become like the set text"
"Gottlieb and Geiszler."
"Whatever, dude. You can do the writing and I'll do the book tour, cause, you know, you have like no personality. No offense. And it would give us the perfect excuse."
"Excuse for what?" He's going to make Newton say it.
"Excuse to... oh for God's sake, excuse to stay around each other. I know you want it too, I've been inside that damn ridiculous-shaped head of yours, why do you do this to me?"
A pulse of actual genuine distress hits him though the ghost drift, and Hermann knows he has to say something to make it right.
"Doktor Geiszler, the only thing more unbearable than being with you, is not being with you."
Newton rushes across the room and grabs him into an embrace.
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awkward science assholes
мне нравится, как они друг друга оскорбляют любяще. словно на своем каком-то языке разговаривают
Lily Pond, а те кто это еще и писать умеют - вообще молодцы!